
Hey there,
If Montreal isn’t on your “places to see” list, please change that, friend. I’m truly in love with this city. As soon as you cross the boarder into the province of Quebec, it's as if you flew to Europe. All the street signs are in French, the vehicles are different, and the architecture immediately changes. As a Vermonter, Montreal is a weekend get away unmatched by any other city in the northeast. My friend Maggie, my sister, and I went for a night and stayed in a $60 Airbnb over a cute Mexican Bar in the heart of the old town.
One of my favorite things to do is to ride the Lachine Rapids. I’ve done it twice now and would do it many more. The river water is freezing and they bundle you up in multiple wool layers and waterproof clothing. Either way, you are going to get cold and wet, but it is so worth it. The trip is about an hour long and ~$60. It was a great thing to do on a summer day, for sure.
The architecture is very interesting in Montreal. There is an old section of town and the rest is quite modern. I love the mini Notre Dame Cathedral and some nights they have light shows that show off the beautiful paintings and organ inside.
Although we only spent one night, it was a really enjoyable little getaway. Parking was easy to find and inexpensive. Watch out for all the people on bikes, though! We also went to the awesome Chinatown, ate and got drinks at a small Irish pub, and walked through downtown at night. I definitely want to go back and check out the night life more.
I hope, if you find yourself in Montreal, you enjoy it as much as I do <3
Any questions or comments? Ask away!