West Point Graduation
May 26, 2018...
This date has been the accumulation of my best adventure to date. It is a day I often longed for, savored in the moment, and will forever cherish.
New Cadet Schmelzenbach. Cadet Basic Training. August, 2014.
"Firstie" (Senior) cadet photo. September, 2017.
The week leading up to and Graduation day itself is crazy to say the least. That week, family comes to town, you have to pack everything, there are time consuming rehearsals, banquets, etc. Then, that day, we wake up super early, wait for hours, have graduation, get changed into ASUs, commission, and then high tail it out of West Point for some long awaited celebration! It was a lot to take in, and I'm so glad my family snapped a bunch of photos (almost all iphone) to remember all the craziness.
Photo by Virginia Shea.
Photo by Virginia Shea.
There is so much to be said about these past four years. It's overwhelming to try and put into words. In brief: West Point is not an easy place, but I can only be grateful. It has given me the most amazing people, brought me to so many places, helped me grow, thought me many lessons, and set me on a good path.
Although the day marked many "ends" and "goodbyes," it also very much symbolized the start of a new chapter. Being commissioned by my Grandfather was an amazing moment for us two and the whole family.
Commissioned by my Grandpa, COL(R) Joseph Acinapura.
My sister Monica giving me my first salute.
As always, as one journey ends, another begins. I hope to no longer count down the days, but now count up. In other words, "don't count the days, make the days count."
Now, for the Lieutenant life and next adventure at Fort Carson, Colorado. Adventures await! Thank you, West Point. You will always have a place in my heart and I am so grateful.
Have questions about West Point? Email me at theadventuredecade@gmail.com.